

Relaxation comes from the right environment.

Arabella Jagdschloß Wienapartements
Artis Apartments Dresdenapartements and public area
Astron Hotel Berlinapartements and public area
Astron Hotel Berlin Leipzigerstrassehotel rooms
Astron Suite Hotel Dortmundhotel suites and public area
Astron Hotel Dresdenhotel rooms and public area
Astron Hotel Düsseldorfhotel rooms and public area
Astron Suite Hotel Fürthhotel rooms and public area
Astron Suite Hotel Hamburghotel suites and public area
Astron Hotel Hamburg-Hornhotel rooms
Astron Hotel Hamburg Stresemannstr.hotel rooms
Astron Hotel Heidelberghotel rooms
Astron Boardinghouse
Otto-Brunner-Gasse, Munich
hotel rooms and public area
Astron Hotel Munich-Airporthotel rooms and public area
Astron Hotel Munich-Riemhotel rooms and public area
Astron Suite Hotel Munich-Unterhachinghotel suites and public area
Astron Hotel Raunheimhotel rooms and public area
Astron Sporthotel Kitzbühelhotel rooms and public area
Astron Suite Hotel Viennahotel suites and public area
Astron Atterseehaus Suite Hotel Viennahotel suites and public area
Kardinal König House – Training College Lainzhotel rooms and public area
Blind Asylum Baumgarten Viennahotel rooms
Hotel Club Danube Golf Vienna 22, Süssenbrunnhotel rooms
Special Police Department Cobra Wiener Neustadtrooms, guestrooms and recreation rooms
Hotel Ekazent Viennahotel rooms
Residence of staff Elisabethinen Grazstaff apartments
Holiday apartments Binzapartment interiors
Holiday apartments Dierhagenapartment interiors
Hotel Geier Bad Schönauhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Holiday Inn Zwickauhotel rooms
Holiday Resort Jasmund Sagardresidential, holiday and staff apartments
Holiday Apartments Kranich Wiekapartment interiors
Hospital Grimmensteinpublic area
LBS Apartments
Unterschließheim and Dachau
apartment interiors
Tophotel Metropol St. Pöltenhotel rooms
Millenium Seniors Home Vienna-Döblingapartments
Missunde House Hamburgapartments
Hostel Moeller-Stiftung Bonnhotel rooms
Hotel Möwe Ahrenshoophotel rooms
Hotel Rugia Sellinhotel rooms and public area
Steigenberger MaxX Hotel Potsdamhotel rooms
Steigenberger MaxX Resort Hotel Sagard/Rügenhotel rooms and public area
Tourism Hotel Stop & Sleep Fischamendhotel rooms
Tourast Motel Göttlesbrunnhotel rooms and public area
Holiday Resort Waitschull Zingstapartments
Blind Asylum Hocheggapartments
Alsterkrug Hotel Hamburghotel rooms and public area
Hotel Alte Post, Rotenburg/Fuldapublic area
Gartenhotel Altmannsdorf Viennahotel rooms and public area
Hotel Am Rathausplatz Rusthotel rooms
Hotel Aquamarin Kühlungsbornhotel rooms and public area
Holiday Resort Aquamaris
Strandresidenz Rügen
hotel rooms, apartments, suites and public area
Hotel Barnimer Hof Basdorfhotel rooms and public area
Arcotel Boltzmann Wienhotel rooms
Central Hotel Kaiserhof Hannoverhotel rooms and corridors
Tophotel Corvinus Wr. Neustadthotel rooms
Hotel Diplomat Praguepublic area
Dorfhotel Blücher Göhren-Lebbinapartments and public area
Hotel Erzherzog Rainer Viennahotel roms and suites
FEC Resort
Stuttgart SI II
wine shop, resort shop, ice circus, vip-lounge, beauty and the beast bar, fish restaurant, MaxX film palace, entrance hall, candy shop and barber’s shop, boarding house and musical suites
Beach Residence Hotel Fischland/Dierhagenhotel rooms and public area
Beach Residence Apartments Fischland/Dierhagenapartments
Hotel Forum Praguehotel rooms
Hotel Graf Moltke Spornitzpublic area
Hotel Großherzog von Mecklenburg
hotel rooms and public area
Seminar Hotel Castle Hernsteinhotel rooms and public area
Waldhotel Hertesburghotel rooms
Hotel Hopper etc. Colognehotel rooms and public area
Castle Hubertushöhe Storkowhotel rooms
Hotel Idyll am Wolgastsee Wolgasthotel rooms and public area
Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph Viennarenovation of apartments
Apartments Kronprinz Rudolf Viennaapartments
Kurhotel Bad Schönauhotel rooms and suites, public area
Holiday Resort of the Landeszentralbank
Bad Wiessee
hotel rooms and public area
Hotel Lenzer Krug Plau/Seehotel rooms
Magic Life Club Arlberg St. Christophhotel rooms and public area
Mercure Hotel Stadthalle Görlitzhotel rooms
Hotel Motopark Oscherslebenhotel rooms, suites and public area
Mövenpick Dream Castle Hotel /
Eurodisney Paris
400 hotel rooms and public area,
incl. operating equipment
Hotel Nestor Dresdenhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Nestor élan Hofhotel rooms and public area
Educational Centre Haus Nümbrechthotel rooms
ÖGB Feriendorf Maltschacher Seehotel rooms
ÖGB Seminarhotel Hafnerseehotel rooms and public area
ÖGB Feriendorf Ossiacherseeapartments and reception
Hotel Opernring Viennahotel rooms
Holiday Resort Öwern Diek, Wustrowapartments
Hotel Panorama Praguehotel rooms
Sport Hotel Paradise Wagrainhotel rooms
Gasthaus Penkerhofguest rooms
Island Hotel Poel Wismarhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Ratskeller Bergen/Rügenhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Remarque Osnabrückpublic area
Apartment Hotel Residence Warmbad Villachhotel rooms and apartments, public area
Robinson Club Arosahotel rooms and bathrooms
Hotel Sandy Beach Playa del Ingles/
Gran Canaria
hotel rooms
Seeschlösschen Zinnowitzhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Sonne Rostockhotel rooms and public area
Café Restaurant Sonnenhof Wustrowhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Sonnenpark Lutzmannsburgentrance area
Suitehotel Starlight Vienna, Am Heumarktsuites and public area
Suitehotel Starlight Budapestsuites and public area
Suitehotel Starlight Vienna, Renngassesuites and public area
Suitehotel Starlight Vienna, Salzgriessuites and public area
Thermal-hotel Triest Bad Radkersburghotel rooms and public area
Holiday Flats Vattenröder Teich/Vattenrodeinterior
Hotel Victoria Davoshotel rooms and parts of public area
Hotel Vineta Sellinhotel rooms and public area
Hotel Vogelgarten Dümmerhotel rooms and public area
Shu Mei Kan Dojo im Suitehotel Starlight
Vienna, Am Heumarkt
traditional Japanese Shu Mei Kan Dojo interior
Hotel Voltaire Hofgarten Karree Potsdamhotel rooms and public area
Waldschlösschen Sarcon Residence Sellinapartments
Hotel Wittower Krug, Wiek/Rügenhotel rooms and public area
Palais Coburg Vienna35 luxury apartments
Hotel Baltijskaja St. Petersburghotel rooms, apartments and suites
Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscowhotel rooms, apartments and suites incl. design of inner doors and corridors
Hotel Beresta Palace Novgorodhotel rooms, apartments and suites, lobby, reception, bar, restaurant, pub
Hotel Deutscher Kaiser Munichhotel rooms and public area
Dorint Hotel Schweizerhof Berlinpublic area
Hotel Eggers Hamburg-Rahlstedthotel rooms and public area
Hotel Hilton Vienna – Stadtparksuites, reception, reconstruction of area, restaurant, meeting and ballrooms
Hotel Intercontinental Hamburghotel rooms and public area
Hotel Intercontinental Loipersdorfwardrobes of hotel rooms
Hotel Intercontinental Warsaw400 hotel rooms and public area
Hotel Intercontinental Viennahotel rooms
Hotel La Residencia Playa del Inglés/
Gran Canaria
hotel rooms
Hotel Louis C. Jacob Hamburghotel rooms
Hotel Marriott Warsawhotel rooms, ballrooms, speciality restaurant, breakfast restaurant, day restaurant, upper lobby bar
City Hotel Metechi Tiflishotel rooms, apartments and suites
Hotel Moscow Palace Moscowhotel rooms, apartments, suites, corridores
Hotel Penta Moscowbusiness suites area
Castle Prinz von Hessen Friedewaldsuites and public area
Hotel Rachat Palace Alma Ata, Kasachstanhotel rooms, suites, presidential suite and atrium
Hotel The Triest Viennahotel rooms and public area
Rheinhotel Four Seasons Meerbuschhotel rooms and suites
Orange Wings Kremsproject development
general contractor
Orange Wings Wr. Neustadtproject development
general contractor
Residence Casuneanubanisters and gallery banister
Hotel Starlight Budapesthotel rooms and public areas
Hotel & Spa Linsberg Asia125 rooms, hotel & spa, wellness area for 700 daily visitors, all restaurant areas, seminar area, thermal bath, sauna area
Bundesimmobilien GmbHreception area
Psychiatry Badengeneral contractor
Metropolis Centerreception desk
Appartment Velden –
Castle Velden
apartment furnishings
Starlight Bukaresthotel furnishings
Sheraton Bratislavaroom furnishings and public area
TUI Blue Schladmingproject development
general contractor
complete interior
Boardinghouse Storchengasse
“room for rent”
furniture rooms
The Alpina Gstaadloose furniture
Parkhotel Badenhotel rooms and suites
Suitehotel Starlight Vienna, Renngassesuites and public area
Suitehotel Starlight Vienna, Salzgriessuites and public area
Park Hyatt Viennaspa and bar & cigar lounge
Wiener Alpen Lodgedevelopment
general contractor
Bären Lodges (roon)project development
general contrator
TUI Blue Montafonproject development
general contractor
Hilton Vienna Parkrenovation of 660 hotel rooms during full operations,
presidential suite, general contractor


Smart solutions from the start
through to completion.
List smart results GmbH
List-Straße 1
2842 Edlitz-Thomasberg